The Lessons

C u s t o m i z e d   I n d i v i d u a l   o r   G r o u p   L e s s o n s
For more information and to schedule private sessions or group lessons in St. Louis, please go to the Contact Teacher page.


ENTERING another language leads to another culture, an exciting and enriching adventure. My goal is to introduce you to France’s language and culture, and the uniqueness and splendor of the Francophone universe.


Far from the rote of conjugations and memorizations, I propose an intensive immersion, animated by the joy and PLAYFULNESS of communication, which is key to my teaching and its success.


By having CUSTOMIZED lessons, you will learn to circumvent the wall that may stand between you and learning French.
Even if you have the sense that you are “not good at languages,” difficulties can become the opportunities to do it your way.


CREATIVITY is part of being alive and knowing that now you do want to learn French is the first step!
In other words, your own interest in France and French culture will guide our lessons.


Before using words, children take years absorbing the language; immersion is key to speaking… The core of my teaching involves the richness and complexity of LIVE interaction… while supported, in between lessons, by a mixture of French software, podcasts, and French films, radio and television. Besides my speaking primarily French to you, this extra-curricular activity will be the heart of your immersion.


You know what you need to learn, and I will follow your path!


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